Saturday, January 2

Happy New Decade!

To think, at the end of this decade, I'll be the mother of two teenage girls. Very scary. Especially considering the last decade went by so fast.

Anyway, I have little to post, as I've been just stepping back from all things work/blog/twitterish the last two weeks and concentrating on families and festivities. And I feel much the better for it. But it's nice to be back in the swing of things again.

So here's my list of intentions for the year to come:

Make more things. Draw more. Write more. Read more.
Buy a new computer. A really nice one.
Overhaul website. Actually that is so urgently urgent I don't know why I'm not doing it right now.
Phone distant friends more often.
Have more fun.

And that's probably enough for starters.

Happy New Year. What are your intentions?


  1. that's an adorable photo, and an adoable list....
    good luck with your endeavours ,

    I'm afraid to make any plans just yet but i think there'll
    be some builders bums in there somewhere....

  2. hmm, I have to confess that my very first intention is to use kind words even when very very cross! I can then move onto other things like - try and remember that chocolate isn't a food group and such. Still happy new year to you! i guess honesty with my first intention probably deserves to be rewarded with chocolate --so off i go!

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family!
    I have no real resolutions myself, apart from trying really , really hard to get organized and live in the present. If I manage these two, I'm sure everything else will just fall into place (?) - we'll see!

  4. Yes, my life starting whizzing past too once the children were born. Good luck with the list, and especially having more fun. Maybe the new computer first, to motivate you, and then the website?

  5. jeepers! and oh crikey! a teenager. a teenager? Iris practically is one already.

    mine are also to make more (money being one of the things i'd like to make more of), but also esoteric things like patchwork quilts (ha! as if) and to draw more, read more, write more. MORE! but in a handmade gentle sort of way.

    to stop being so fearful and to strike out (in a non-violent way) to achieve the things i want. that's actually quite a serious intention.

    um, then onto be kinder, nicer, more all round perfect. (again ha! and as if!)

    i wish it were possible to dismantle one's self and dust off and/or remove bits that aren't quite up to scratch or outmoded and replace them with whizzy new bits.

    to stop making and or eating so much cake (case in point - for Paul's birthday today, Iris and i made him a cake that had a whole and entire pat of butter in it.)

    lastly, to write shorter comments. (ha, etc!)

    lovely to have you back.

  6. Scary thought the children as teenagers!! I will have two teenage boys on my hand. Thanks for your comments over at TLC, I fear I also have a mountain of house things to do once Mr C is in Pre-school, I have just got used to squinting and running past so I don't feel so guilty.

    Love the photo.

    Happy New Year! Bx

  7. That is a good, comprehensive list Flora. I have already started the diet before Christmas so that is ongoing but definitely to draw and paint more and spend less time on the computer..haha - some chance.

  8. oh my goodness, that teenager thing just gave me the fear! x

  9. So many people hate January, I love that this is like a little we love January club, ideas, intentions and creativity a go go!
