Saturday, August 29

...Ngggghhhh....still here...just about....

Phew, busy busy busy at the moment, crowbarring work into every spare moment, staying up far too late and waking up far too early. But we've got visitors here this weekend, so we're taking the afternoon off to have a nosy around other people's workshops because it's Bridport Open Studios this weekend. I've taken part a couple of times, but not for the last 2 years since Isla was born. Hopefully next year I'll be joining in again.

Programme cover by the sublime Paul Blow.


  1. this hard work thing is becoming a bit of a nuisance isn't it....wish we could all be ladies of leisure ;)
    thanks so much for your comments re. tree....of course you can blog about it, i'd love you to , but i'm going to be posting better photos next week.
    enjoy your day, i love having a nosey around other peoples workspaces

  2. Oooh have a lovely day. I love looking at people's creative spaces.
