Sunday, April 20

Gypsy Caravan

It's nearly the end of the Easter Holidays.  I haven't done a stroke of work.

We stayed in a proper Gypsy Caravan set in an orchard in a very beautiful part of the world.  Our stay coincided with beautiful spring weather, clear skies and a massive yellow moon rising as we sat around the campfire.  There were frisky little lambs to coo over and big scary cows to run away from.  We took our wildflower and bird books and spotted-and-jotted.  The girls wrote and drew constantly.  We climbed hills, swung on rope swings, paddled in rivers, fell in nettles and slipped in mud.

Details here.  I can't recommend it highly enough.

(NB. Not a sponsored post.  Just an actual holiday)


  1. Wow! That looks wonderful Flo, what an adventure with a difference and what perfect weather you have had as well. Your pictures would make lovely drawings! Very tempted, where did you stay? xx

    1. Hi Suzanna - the website is here: don't be put off by the slightly twee vibe of the website, it's not at all - Emily who runs it is great.

  2. Wow that looks amazing, such a brilliant and unusual place to stay. It sounds like you had a perfect time. xx

    1. Thanks Caroline, it was just what we needed :)

  3. Thank you, have had a look, it is super booked which isn't surprising. I know both my two would love this though! : )
